1. Jenny Steffensmeier

    Well I think I’m caught up reading all of your blogs now Megan. Each and every one I have thoroughly enjoyed, been completely inspired by, and am full of admiration and pride. I am not however surprised by you. You taking on blogging – holy cow!!! We’re all always talking about time, our most precious commodity. You have chosen to dedicate some of yours to this endeavor. Those of us who take far less of our time to read your messages than what it takes for you to put them together appreciate YOU!!! I thought it’s about time that I leave a comment and since this last blog of yours has shout outs to 2 of my kids- Isaac and Rachel, I had a little more “internal” pressure to do so.
    Love you!

  2. Katie

    Bad moments are my Achilles heel.
    This too shall pass….. Easier said after the moment rather than during the moment.

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