Outreach and Collaboration

According to NNSTOY (The National Network of State Teachers of the Year), the standard around Assessments and Data falls in the sixth domain:

Domain VI: Improving outreach and collaboration with families and community

The teacher leader understands that families, cultures, and communities have a significant impact on educational processes and student learning. The teacher leader works with colleagues to promote ongoing systematic collaboration with families, community members, business and community leaders, and other stakeholders to improve the educational system and expand opportunities for student learning.

For the purposes of my evaluation in the Fort Madison Community School District, Domain 6 is further broken down into two sub-domains, outlined with a three point rubric, illustrated below:

Domain 6: Improving outreach & collaboration with families & community
Expectation: Effective

What it looks like…


What it looks like…


What it looks like…

6.1 Support outreach with community partners. Teacher leader actively partners with community resources to meet specific needs of diverse learners.  Teacher leader develops an awareness of  available community resources.  Teacher leader has not developed an awareness of  available community resources. 
6.2 Communicate and collaborate with families and community members Teacher leader actively communicates and collaborates with families and community members.  Teacher leader models positive communication and collaborative relationships with families and community members.  Teacher leader has inconsistent or less than positive communication and collaborative relationships with families and community members.