Student Learning and the Profession

According to NNSTOY (The National Network of State Teachers of the Year), the standard around Assessments and Data falls in the seventh domain:

Domain VII:  Advocating for student learning and the profession

The teacher leader understands how educational policy is made at the local, state, and national level as well as the roles of school leaders, boards of education, legislators, and other stakeholders in formulating those policies. The teacher leader uses this knowledge to advocate for student needs and for practices that support effective teaching and increase student learning, and serves as an individual of influence and respect within the school, community, and profession.

For the purposes of my evaluation in the Fort Madison Community School District, Domain 7 is further broken down into two sub-domains, outlined with a three point rubric, illustrated below:

Domain 7: Advocating for student learning and the profession
Expectation: Effective

What it looks like…


What it looks like…


What it looks like…

7.1 Demonstrate professionalism by advocating for students and the profession Teacher leader consistently exhibits a strong sense of professionalism by maintaining high standards, ensuring that school practices serve all students and families at the highest level possible, and by spotlighting success in the district by sharing with all stakeholders. Teacher leader has a strong sense of professionalism and works with other staff members to  ensure that school practices serve all students and families. Teacher leader’s sense of professionalism is inconsistent. Attempts to serve students are based on limited information.
7.2 Advocacy for effective practice Teacher leader has taken advantage of opportunities to advocate for student needs and for practices that support effective teaching and increase student learning, and serves as an individual of influence and respect within the school, community, and profession. Teacher leader is actively seeking opportunities to advocate for student needs and for practices that support effective teaching and increase student learning, and serves as an individual of influence and respect within the school, community, and profession. Teacher leader is unsure how or uncomfortable with advocating for student needs and for practices that support effective teaching and increase student learning, and serves as an individual of influence and respect within the school, community, and profession.